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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Let Us Know All About Korea

"Respect" is one of the trademarks of korea. It is one of the customs that they had inherited since the Confucianism (1392-1910). The first question Koreans ask to a new acquaintance is his/her age, for them to determine how they should refer to the person. Like Japanese, they use different terms for elders to show deferenceand respect. 

♥ General rule :
* Koreans refer family as the most important part of their life. As what their tradition dictates, members of their family have their own responsibility to follow.
Father, as the head of the family is responsible to provide his family`s needs; also he is the one to approve mariages and important decisions and moves of the famile.

Mother, as the pillar of the family is responsible in taking care of her kids and to provide the love and care they need. She is also expected to be the first teachers to her children.

The eldest son, being the next male in the family has special responsibilities. theseresponsibilities include first, his parents nest is his younger siblings, then his sons, his wife and lastly to his daughters.

*Koreans give the surname (family name) first. They are specific in adressing a person by their profession or title so as to give high and proper respect.

When Visiting a Korean Home :

* You have to remember to remove your shoes when entering inside a house.

They sleep, sit and ets on the floor so it has to be maintained clean. Entering with your bear feet is a sign of non-respect so you have to  always wear socks but be sure that they are clean and free from holes so as to avoid humiliation.

*You will give a good impression if you have a small gift or a small token to give to the owner of the house.When giving or receiving a gift from a elder person, it is expected that you receive it using two hands.If it is small enough for one hand, you can use just one hand to receive it and the other under your forearm or lower chest (for support). If the person receiving the gift is younger or lower in rank, it`s okay to give it with one hand.

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